The 20-Something's Chronicles of an LA Life

Sneak a peek into the life of a single, 20-something female who is not in the entertainment industry and who does not have fake breasts. Yes, we do exist. What you are about to read is based on fact and is not for the weak of stomach. You have been warned.

Monday, September 18, 2006


I'm so Hollywood.

I made my first movie debut this weekend as "Extra #4" in a movie that I have no clue what it's about, what the title is or, really anything about it. It's definitely not porn, which is good. Mom requested that I steer clear of the porn. Noted.

Actually, my role was pretty intense. I had to gather in a group and stare, disgustedly, at a semi-naked (it's not porn, remember) body in an alley. I worked on my look of disgust for a couple days - smelling rotten eggs and such. But nothing could prepare me for the people surrounding me.

First, there was Lyn. She insisted on wearing an atrocious blonde mullet wig (minus most of the party in the back) for the scene. Unfortunately, for my professional acting self, she stood right next to me staring at me. I couldn't hold it together. There were words like "merkin" being used behind me describing the head-topping atrocity that she elected to rock. And there it was, in all it's horrid entanglement in my face.

Second, the additional 12 people, which consisted of 98% of my friends (our friend is the producer), knew that there was going to be no sound. So, they took it upon themselves to say the raunchiest, most obnoxious and hysterically funny stuff to test the strength of the rest of us. I'll tell you, acting is seriously cut-throat.

Due to the fact that I had a "merkin" in my face (wow - that's an interesting statement) and Dane Cook wannabe's surrounding me, I spent the majority of my acting debut hiding my face behind Kirsten because I was afraid the director was going to yell at me for laughing at a dead body. My acting debut was a total flop.

I think I managed to pull myself together towards the end of the scene. I made a couple choice disgusted and "how awful" faces but then lost it again when the cameraman did a total crotch shot of the crowd. Um, I suppose it might be "artsy"....but, it was a total crotch shot.

I suppose this is my cue to give up on an acting career. Perhaps this girl was just never meant to have an E! True Hollywood Story about her. It's a shame too, because, and I might be biased here, I think it would be thoroughly entertaining. A little weak in the drug addictions, but, I can work on that.

Excuse me - I have to go work on my keeping a straight face moves. Because I truly suck at them. And so does Kirsten.


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